Awareness is the Poke
I am tired of Chases...There I said it.. I am sick to my stomach attending to every desire that pops in, never being satisfied of what is but always chasing to what's Next. Grand scheme of things I am truly blessed to lead the life i am leading yet some how feel something missing. Having read loads of books, ventured into every possible new age mindfulness technique, meditation there is, but never seem to get what was expected of it. Inevitably drawn and off i go to the next chase, hoping, expecting to find what I am looking for... Every day of my life is consumed by gamut of emotions, feeling of every kind ranging from one extreme to the other - Every small thing said or done which "you" do not like feels like an earthquake inside on one end and feels like you are on top of the world when something goes as you expect or hope. Is this truly living your Life fully?, i ask myself. Shouldn't be there be to truly feel alive to live than attending to every whim and fancy that occurs in your Mind? All of these questions made me realize - may be the only way to find that out is to address the Big Elephant in the room - Understand what's happening in Your Mind..
It is NEVER about stopping the rain, but it is always about making your Umbrella Harder..A journey of a 1000 miles starts with a single step. Yes it is a small step but a step, nevertheless. The step intended here is a journey to be taken inside you where there's no specific direction nor a map given to assist. The only necessity is the seriousness of your intention to Understand. Understanding is of the Mind and not through the Mind.
I am presenting a framework (OMIT) that has helped me in my Journey to understand "What IS" and not fall into the chase or rather tricks of your Mind to take you on a tangents as it pleases.
The ability to Observe without evaluation is the Highest form of Intelligence - Jiddu Krishnamurti
Observe the emotion, subsequent feeling arising in your Mind Fully. This should be Akin to watching rain water not separate from the clouds or Waves not separate from the Ocean. The intention here is NOT to evaluate or try to describe in words or thoughts on describing what you are feeling. By observing it fully and not condemning it you will see a sudden change..
Too much emphasis has been given to Thought, Intellect in our society, day to day living. Remember your breath, your body, what you see nature outside were not created by Thought. By living in your Mind, you are ignoring a whole dimension of Life, which is sustaining you to even give you an ability to Think.
The second you are aware of a thought or a story, image going through what you are observing, the Mind has already started taking over. Be Mindful of the Me/I Story it has created to take you on a chase. This is akin to having a Thought (observer) trying to see another thought, which is the story/image (observed).
Identity: The Mind does not like to be in a flux - It quickly chooses a state of support or protect the "Me/I" it has created. Repeated occurrences of this becomes a pattern for it to create and settle into, like a learned behavior. It will go to any extent to protect this entity it has created. This can be observed mainly as repeated occurrences of situation and images being played back and forth in your Mind with the patterns of behavior repeated again to Make it seem the entity is Real. The state it settles down to becomes what you Identify by engrained later as Beliefs..
Awareness is the Poke.. Upon becoming more aware of the Happenings in your Mind you will realize that Truth IS, WHAT IS - Me/I does not exist in Reality. This is purely a work of Fiction that has been Created by your Mind. You have been chasing to catch Water from a Mirage. Since the Me/I is not on solid foundation and not real it is in flux - always changing and you are grasping to give into it to make it feel real, which it is NOT. Sad to say, we all have been chasing Ghosts all our lives..
Yes, This is a long journey and have taken a small step but it is a step nevertheless. This framework is helping me tremendously to truly appreciate another dimension the miracle of "LIFE".
Mind is an amazing instrument, which you cannot Live without but Living within fully ignoring the other dimension, which is actually making you Live is simply not right. In my humble opinion, living fully and giving into your Mind is one of the primary causes of all the psychosomatic disorders that are prevalent in the Society.
The Truth is the only thing that will set you free. Nature has a mysterious way to Hide the solution in the problem. The process of Understanding by observation, you are removing the false layers above, will eventually make you understand and discard what you are NOT and will slowly transition to what You Truly are.
A few activities that has helped me to increase your awareness.
a) Observing nature and Just BE with it - hear the different sounds, while walking or any activity that you enjoy doing outside, may be gardening or just sitting outside, feeling of the gentle breeze and be aware when your Mind starts describing to understand it's behavior - Not resisting it but observing outside and inside your mind..
b) Maintaining a journal and writing down "What IS" and what the Mind is telling it is... Pattern of stories it tells and the subsequent emotion that's generated... It either uses the past or the future and take you on a chase..
A framework to realize, What IS, is presented. The steps involved in this has been described as well. Sincerely hope it appeals and helps anyone who reads and decides to start on this Journey, Inside....